BrushBaby Teamed Up With Nottingham Oral Health Promotion

Brush-Baby were delighted to take part in NOHPTs ‘Give up your dummy for Santa’ campaign last week, helping children across the country ‘ditch the dummy’ this Christmas.
The event took place in various soft play areas across Nottinghamshire, where children took the pledge to ‘give their dummies to Santa’, and as a reward were given a range of oral health products – including a Brush-Baby FlossBrush first toothbrush, stickers and a toothbrushing chart.
Our FlossBrush Bristles toothbrush have extra long and fine bristles that are able to get to those hard to reach areas and clean away plaque and bacteria. They make a great first toothbrush for baby as the soft bristles are gentle on their milk teeth and gums but tough on plaque. Pair it with some children's toothpaste and you’re ready to go!
The day was highly attended, with 78 families eager to ditch their little ones’ comforting friend. Oral Health Promoter, Rebecca Soong-Towell comments: “All families were extremely positive about the oral health products. The resources were a key factor in rewarding children (and families) as they pledged to ‘give their dummies to Santa’. This was a great opportunity for the Nottingham Oral Health Promotion Team to work alongside speech and language therapists to promote key oral health messages. The resources kindly donated by Brush-Baby really helped to attract families and helped to support the importance of good oral hygiene.”
“We thoroughly enjoyed assisting NOHPT who are working for the Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, in their quest to helping families learn about the importance of oral hygiene. Keep your eyes peeled in the New Year for similar campaigns!”
In the meantime, if you’re eager to help your little one ‘ditch the dummy’ in the New Year, check out our range for a healthy, fun alternative.