The Teething Timeline: Milestones and Moments for Parents

Welcome to our brush-baby guide on teething milestones!

Teething can start as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months, but most babies begin showing signs of discomfort right in the middle; around 6 months. How can you get ready for this milestone, and what should you watch out for to support your child (and yourself) during this phase?

In this post, we'll walk you through the teething process, share tips on must-have products, such as the best baby teethers and baby gum wipes to soothe those little gums, and give you actionable advice to keep those smiles healthy and happy.

So, let's dive in and make teething a breeze for both you and your little one!

The Significance of the Teething Timeline

Teething is a significant time for your child's dental care. It happens when their teeth start pushing through the gums, causing increased drooling and irritability.

Knowing these stages is key to keeping your child comfortable and promoting healthy development.

Milestones of Teething - Baby Teether at the Ready!

  • The Emergence of the First Tooth: Typically, the lower incisors (bottom front teeth) are the first to emerge, usually between 6 to 10 months. This is often the most painful process as the teeth have to literally cut through the gums. It's important to have your baby's first toothbrush ready to help keep those new teeth clean and healthy!
  • The Arrival of the Molars and Canines: Teeth come in pairs, first the lower incisors, then the upper ones. Following these, the upper and lower molars, canines, and finally the second molars appear. The emergence of each set can be several weeks of irritability and discomfort for your baby.
  • The Final Tooth: Bringing the set together, the second molars usually come through by the child's second birthday. By now, they are old pros at the teething experience, and the process should be less uncomfortable than the first teeth.

Teething for Parents: A Survival Guide

For parents, understanding how to weather the teething storm is crucial. Here is a practical guide to help you through the stages.

Providing Comfort: To soothe your little one, consider the following methods:

  • Gently rub your baby's gums with a clean finger or have a packet of baby gum wipes handy.
  • Offer a baby teether for them to chew on. Our Cool & Calm baby teether can even be put in the fridge to cool and provide extra relief for your little one’s gums.
  • Provide extra cuddles and attention; sometimes, a warm hug is the best medicine

The Role of Dental Care Products in Your Kit Bag

With a parade of new teeth come a host of products designed to make the teething transition as smooth as possible.

Starter Kit for Infant Oral Health - When purchasing dental care products for your baby, consider the following essentials:

  • Baby Toothpaste: Look for baby toothpaste with fluoride in very small amounts, suitable for toddlers and infants.
  • Baby Brush: These have extra soft bristles which are great for baby's first teeth and are usually easy to grip for little hands.
  • Baby Gum Wipes: Handy for wiping away impurities and a precursor to using a baby toothbrush.

You’ll Get The Hang Of It!

Navigating teething might seem like a lot to handle, but once you get the hang of the stages and have the right tools like a baby teether, you will see it isn’t something to stress about.

Remember, every child's teething journey is unique, and you know your baby best when it comes to what soothes them.