Which? Magazine - Baby Teether Toy Test
Some of the mainstream press carried details from a recent Which? Magazine Baby Teether Toy Test at the weekend of (5/6 October 2019).
15 products selected by the magazine, underwent a “tension test” which assessed if any parts that detach were small enough to be swallowed or inhaled – as well as an 'impaction test' which looked at whether a teething toy could block the throat of a child who is too young to sit up unaided.
Brush-Baby products were not requested, nor did they feature in the tests. This is probably due to the fact that our range of baby teethers are not ‘teething toys’ but are dental aids designed to help parent and child and serve as a teething remedy for babies. They also help with the differing and ongoing stages of a child’s dental development from pre-teething cleaning baby gums (with baby dental wipes), helping through the tricky stage of teething and onto cleaning a child’s full set of milk teeth.
Designed and developed in conjunction with a dentist, ALL Brush-Baby children's dental products are tested to EU Standards which involve stringent safety tests including tension, impaction tests.
As Dominique Tillen, Founder and Managing Director of Brush-Baby confirms:
“Providing products that meet the stringent standards required for babies, toddlers and kids to use, is of the utmost importance to Brush-Baby. We want to ensure that parents and carers can use Brush-Baby products with confidence knowing that little teeth and gums being looked after effectively and safely.”
You can clean your babies teeth and gums properly by using our brush baby dental wipes and baby gum wipes.