You Are Invited To The #BrushBabySleepover

brush-baby sleepover

We would like to invite all parents on the night shift to join us on Saturday 25th March at 10pm for the #BrushBabySleepover. Don’t forget to bring your jammies, fluffy slippers and plenty of caffeine!

We know how straining it can be on mums and dads who are awake with a sleepless or teething baby on the night shift, so our dedicated Brush-Baby team will be by your side for the entire night to answer your questions (and prayers!). Whether you’re on the search for teething remedies for babies with a baby teether, looking to share your night shift stories or simply want someone to tweet to who knows what you are going through, we’ve got your back.


Dont forget your kids toothbrush!

Make sure you bring your childs electric toothbrush! At BrushBaby we stock a whole range of toothbrushes for kids, such as our toddler electric toothbrushes or our chewable first baby toothbrush. Whatever you’re looking for, Brush-baby can help!

To RSVP your attendance at our sleepover, simply follow @brushbabydental on Twitter and use the hashtag #BrushBabySleepover at any time during the night. Our team are willing and waiting to help. See you at 10pm!