Bunny At The Dentist - The Best Baby Toothbrush And Toothpaste

The modern adage ‘Ask a woman to do something and you’ll get the job done’, is certainly true of Paulina Kosiniak-Kamysz, who has recently written and published ‘Bunny at the Dentist’ – a book for children and parents to navigate their way through home oral-care, and making that all-important visit to dentist, is one multi-tasking lady!
We also share Paulina’s enthusiasm when it comes to the best baby toothpaste or the best electric toothbrush for toddlers! We’re very passionate about providing good information and advice for parents, as well as designing and manufacturing exciting kids electric toothbrush lines to keep children entertained whilst brushing.
Paulina was a dentist and orthodontist working at two dental clinics in Poland’s capital – Warsaw, running a home and being a mum to 2½ year old Zosia and 1½ year old Rozyczka, she was acutely aware of the importance of starting an oral care routine at home and preparing a child and parent for that all-important milestone visit to the dentist, when she was in a similar position as other parents, when took her own daughter to the dentist (Children’s Memorial Health Institute).
Paulina was a dentist and orthodontist working at two dental clinics in Poland’s capital – Warsaw, running a home and being a mum to 2½ year old Zosia and 1½ year old Rozyczka, she was acutely aware of the importance of starting an oral care routine at home and preparing a child and parent for that all-important milestone visit to the dentist, when she was in a similar position as other parents, when took her own daughter to the dentist (Children’s Memorial Health Institute).

As Paulina explains “Explanation and familiarisation is key. As a dentist, it’s not just my professional skills that are important. I can’t use these and my experience, if I haven’t got the trust of my patient, whatever their age, but for little ones – this is key.”
Paulina’s story has been envisaged by her collaboration with Gabriela Cichowska, an award-winning artist and Teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. Her understanding and empathy of young children is evident, previously documented in her work with young people, in her delightful drawings throughout the book. Everyday routine activities including playing with friends, toothbrushing and bed-time practices and their importance in the context of including dental visits, are brought to life and gently and carefully explained.
The decision to use a bunny as a character was easy. Inspired by the BabySonic Kids Electric Toothbrush – a ‘first’ electric toothbrush designed for little ones, and the accompanying Bunny-themed Applemint Infants Toothpaste, and influenced by her love of soft toys, Gabriela knows the vital role that they play in childhood.
“A furry gift is usually a child’s first childhood friend. It can offer a sense of safety, routine and comfort in an often uncertain and frightening world. Learning and copying new skills via role-playing ‘Bunny’, is not only demonstrating, but also explaining how toothbrushing is important, and that a visit to the dentist, although new and unfamiliar, does not need to be something to be frightened of.”
“I really hope that ‘Bunny at the Dentist’, and possibly encouraging children to bring their soft toy friend along with them on their dental visit, as it really can ‘bridge the gap’ between home and the dental practice, helps. It’s been a pleasure to bring Paulina’s ideas to life.”
‘Bunny at the Dentist’ was officially launched in Warsaw at the Villa Nova Dental Clinic. Influential bloggers and media representatives from RMF FM radio station, were among the many people who attended, and they all received a complimentary goody bag including signed copies of the book, Brush-Baby BabySonic Kids Electric Toothbrushes, Bunny Applemint Infant toothpastes, Toothbrushing Diary Charts to record toothbrushing activity and stickers for a job well done!

The immediate success of the book is leading to plans to make it downloadable from the ARS Dental web page, and a possible e-book on the importance of dental hygiene. You could say, that success is breeding success, like rabbits!
As Angelina Ziembinska of ARS Dental (a leading distributor of Brush-Baby products in Poland) summarises, “we’re delighted to support this venture. The endearing bunny character cannot fail to enchant and encourage little ones to look after their teeth using Brush-Baby products, and to normalise dental visits, enabling them to take them ‘in their stride’. After all, healthy teeth mean a healthy and happy child.”
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